Package-level declarations


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inline operator fun Vec2.div(other: Vec2): Vec2

Creates a new Vec2 that is the result of the operation "this div other".

inline operator fun Vec3.div(other: Vec3): Vec3

Creates a new Vec3 that is the result of the operation "this div other".

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inline operator fun Vec2.divAssign(other: Vec2)

Modifies this Vec2 so that its value is the result of the operation "this div other".

inline operator fun Vec3.divAssign(other: Vec3)

Modifies this Vec3 so that its value is the result of the operation "this div other".

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inline operator fun Color.minus(other: Color): Color

Creates a new Color that is the result of the operation "this minus other".

inline operator fun Vec2.minus(other: Vec2): Vec2

Creates a new Vec2 that is the result of the operation "this minus other".

inline operator fun Vec3.minus(other: Vec3): Vec3

Creates a new Vec3 that is the result of the operation "this minus other".

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inline operator fun Color.minusAssign(other: Color)

Modifies this Color so that its value is the result of the operation "this minus other".

inline operator fun Vec2.minusAssign(other: Vec2)

Modifies this Vec2 so that its value is the result of the operation "this minus other".

inline operator fun Vec3.minusAssign(other: Vec3)

Modifies this Vec3 so that its value is the result of the operation "this minus other".

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fun Vec2.mul(other: Vec2): Vec2
fun Vec2.mul(other: Float): Vec2
fun Vec3.mul(other: Vec3): Vec3
fun Vec3.mul(other: Float): Vec3
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inline operator fun Color): Color

Creates a new Color that is the result of the operation "this plus other".

inline operator fun Vec2): Vec2

Creates a new Vec2 that is the result of the operation "this plus other".

inline operator fun Vec3): Vec3

Creates a new Vec3 that is the result of the operation "this plus other".

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inline operator fun Color.plusAssign(other: Color)

Modifies this Color so that its value is the result of the operation "this plus other".

inline operator fun Vec2.plusAssign(other: Vec2)

Modifies this Vec2 so that its value is the result of the operation "this plus other".

inline operator fun Vec3.plusAssign(other: Vec3)

Modifies this Vec3 so that its value is the result of the operation "this plus other".

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fun runUi(block: () -> Unit)

Runs the function on the ui thread. Equivalent to

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inline fun <T : Exception> runUiCatching(crossinline onFailure: (T) -> Unit = { Log.err("Failure in runUiCatching", it) }, crossinline block: () -> Unit)

Runs the specified function on the ui thread and catches any exceptions.

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inline operator fun Color.times(other: Color): Color
inline operator fun Color.times(other: Float): Color

Creates a new Color that is the result of the operation "this times other".

inline operator fun Vec2.times(other: Vec2): Vec2
inline operator fun Vec2.times(other: Float): Vec2

Creates a new Vec2 that is the result of the operation "this times other".

inline operator fun Vec3.times(other: Vec3): Vec3
inline operator fun Vec3.times(other: Float): Vec3

Creates a new Vec3 that is the result of the operation "this times other".

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inline operator fun Color.timesAssign(other: Color)
inline operator fun Color.timesAssign(other: Float)

Modifies this Color so that its value is the result of the operation "this times other".

inline operator fun Vec2.timesAssign(other: Vec2)
inline operator fun Vec2.timesAssign(other: Float)

Modifies this Vec2 so that its value is the result of the operation "this times other".

inline operator fun Vec3.timesAssign(other: Vec3)
inline operator fun Vec3.timesAssign(other: Float)

Modifies this Vec3 so that its value is the result of the operation "this times other".


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val UnlockableContent.emojiOrName: String
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