Package-level declarations
Finds an element by its name and type. Can return the current element. If elementName is null, only the type is accounted for.
Finds an element by its type and name. Can return the current element. If elementName is null, only the type is accounted for.
Creates a copy of the wrapped label's style and changes its font.
Creates a copy of the wrapped button's label's style and changes its font.
Creates a copy of the wrapped field's style and changes its font.
Returns the element inside a type-erased cell, casting it to the providen class, or null if it's not an instance of this class or if the cell is empty
Changes Scaling of the wrapped image and returns the cell
Adds a new update listener that invokes before this element's update listener finishes. Allows chaining listeners.
Adds a new update listener that invokes before the wrapped element's update listener finishes. Allows chaining listeners.
Adds a new update listener that invokes after this element's own update listener finishes. Allows chaining listeners.
Adds a new update listener that invokes after the wrapped element's own update listener finishes. Allows chaining listeners.