
abstract class Window

A class that represents a floating on-screen window that the user can drag and interact with.

In most cases an instance of this class has to be passed to WindowManager before anything can be done with it.


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fun Window()


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open fun addAction(action: Action)

Applies an action to the root table.

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fun destroy()

Destroys this window, removing it from the scene and triggering onDestroy.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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abstract fun onCreate()

Called when the window is being created.

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open fun onDestroy()

Called when the window is being destroyed. Usually this means that the user has closed the window.

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open fun onDrag()

Called when the window is being dragged by the user.

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open fun onFullScreen(fullscreen: Boolean)

Called whenever the user switches between full screen and normal mode

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open fun onToggle(collapsed: Boolean)

Called whenever this window is being toggled by the user

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open fun onUpdate()

This function is called on every tick after creating the table.

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open fun shrink()

Shrinks the root table of this window, reducing it's size to the minimum preferred size.

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open override fun toString(): String


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abstract val closeable: Boolean

Whether this window can be closed by the user. Should be overriden.

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var fullScreen: Boolean = false

Whether the window is in the full screen mode. Modifying this property triggers onFullScreen.

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var isCollapsed: Boolean = false

Whether this window is collapsed. Modifying this property triggers onToggle.

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var isDragged: Boolean = false

Whether the window is being dragged by the user right now

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abstract val name: String

Name of this window, displayed in the top bar. Should be overriden.

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Whether this window supports full screen mode. Can be overriden. Currently broken, should not be used.

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lateinit var table: Table

The table this window is assigned to. Initialized when the window is created.