Package-level declarations


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inline fun Table.addCollapser(shown: Boolean = true, background: Drawable = Styles.none, constructor: Table.() -> Unit = {}): Cell<Collapser>

Adds a collapser constructed by a lambda to the existing table and returns the created cell

inline fun Table.addCollapser(crossinline shown: () -> Boolean = { true }, background: Drawable = Styles.none, animate: Boolean = false, constructor: Table.() -> Unit = {}): Cell<Collapser>

Adds a collapser constructed by a lambda to the existing table and returns the created cell. Whether it's shown is determined by the lambda.

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fun Table.addImage(drawable: TextureRegion, scaling: Scaling = Scaling.stretch): Cell<Image>
fun Table.addImage(drawable: Drawable?, scaling: Scaling = Scaling.stretch): Cell<Image>

Adds a constant image to the table and returns the created cell

inline fun Table.addImage(crossinline provider: () -> Drawable?, scaling: Scaling = Scaling.stretch): Cell<Image>

Adds a dynamic image to the table and returns the created cell

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fun Table.addLabel(text: CharSequence, style: Label.LabelStyle = Styles.defaultLabel, wrap: Boolean = false, ellipsis: String? = null, align: Int = Cell<Label>

Adds a constant label to the table and returns the created cell

inline fun Table.addLabel(crossinline provider: () -> CharSequence, style: Label.LabelStyle = Styles.defaultLabel, wrap: Boolean = false, ellipsis: String? = null, align: Int = Cell<Label>

Adds a dynamic label to the table and returns the created cell

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inline fun Table.addLabels(vararg elems: Any?, style: Label.LabelStyle = Styles.defaultLabel, wrap: Boolean = false, ellipsis: String? = null, align: Int =, block: (Cell<Label>) -> Unit = {})

Adds multiple labels, either static or dynamic ones.

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fun Table.addPrefSpace(spaceWidth: Float = 1.0f, spaceHeight: Float = 1.0f): Cell<Element>
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fun Table.addSpace(width: Float = 1.0f, height: Float = 1.0f): Cell<Element>

Adds a simple Element that occupies the providen size.

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fun Table.addStack(vararg elements: Element): Cell<Stack>

Adds an element stack that contains the specified elements and returns the created cell

inline fun Table.addStack(constructor: Stack.() -> Unit): Cell<Stack>

Adds a stack constructed by a lambda and returns the created cell

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inline fun Group.addTable(background: Drawable = Styles.none, constructor: Table.() -> Unit = {}): Table

Adds a table to the group, passes it to the lambda and returns the created table.

inline fun Table.addTable(background: Drawable = Styles.none, constructor: Table.() -> Unit = {}): Cell<Table>

Adds a table constructed by a lambda to the existing table and returns the created table cell

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inline fun Table.buttonGroup(background: Drawable = Styles.none, constructor: Table.(ButtonGroup<Button>) -> Unit): Cell<Table>

Creates a table and a button group, calls the constructor and passes this table to it, adds all created buttons into the same group. Adds the table and returns the created cell.

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inline fun createBaseDialog(title: String = "", style: Dialog.DialogStyle = Styles.defaultDialog, addCloseButton: Boolean = false, closeOnBack: Boolean = true, crossinline configurator: Table.(BaseDialog) -> Unit): BaseDialog

Similar to createDialog, but creates a BaseDialog.

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inline fun createDialog(title: String = "", style: Dialog.DialogStyle = Styles.defaultDialog, addCloseButton: Boolean = false, closeOnBack: Boolean = true, constructor: (title: String, style: Dialog.DialogStyle) -> Dialog = { t, s -> Dialog(t, s) }, configurator: Table.(Dialog) -> Unit): Dialog

Creates a dialog using constructor and passes it to the configurator lambda for it to configure the dialog.

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inline fun createTable(background: Drawable = Styles.none, constructor: Table.() -> Unit = {}): Table

Creates a table constructed by a lambda

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inline fun createWrapper(crossinline width: Table.(originalWidth: Float) -> Float = { it }, crossinline height: Table.(originalHeight: Float) -> Float = { it }, crossinline builder: Table.() -> Unit): Table

Creates a wrapper table with dynamic preferred size and returns it. The size of the table is dynamic and is determined by the output of the width and height lambdas.

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inline fun Table.customButton(constructor: Button.() -> Unit, style: Button.ButtonStyle = Styles.defaultb, crossinline onclick: Button.() -> Unit = {}): Cell<Button>

Adds a custom button constructed by a lambda and returns the created cell

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inline fun Table.hider(crossinline hideHorizontal: Table.() -> Boolean = { false }, crossinline hideVertical: Table.() -> Boolean = { false }, crossinline builder: Table.() -> Unit): Cell<Table>

Adds a table that returns 0 if its preferred width / height if the respective lambda returns true, or it's real preferred size otherwise.

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fun Table.hsplitter(color: Color = Color.white, padTop: Float = 5.0f, padBottom: Float = padTop): Cell<Image>

Creates a horizontal splitter and returns the created cell. This method automatically creates two rows.

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inline fun Table.imageButton(image: TextureRegion?, style: ImageButton.ImageButtonStyle = Styles.defaulti, crossinline onclick: ImageButton.() -> Unit = {}): Cell<ImageButton>
inline fun Table.imageButton(image: Drawable?, style: ImageButton.ImageButtonStyle = Styles.defaulti, crossinline onclick: ImageButton.() -> Unit = {}): Cell<ImageButton>

Adds an image button with an optional onclick listener, returns the created cell

inline fun Table.imageButton(crossinline provider: () -> Drawable?, style: ImageButton.ImageButtonStyle = Styles.defaulti, crossinline onclick: ImageButton.() -> Unit = {}): Cell<ImageButton>

Adds an image button with a dynamic image and an optional onclick listener, returns the created cell.

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inline fun Table.imageToggle(image: Drawable?, toggleableStyle: Button.ButtonStyle = Styles.clearTogglei, crossinline ontoggle: Button.(Boolean) -> Unit = {}): Cell<ToggleButton>

Simmilar to toggleButton but adds a constant image

inline fun Table.imageToggle(crossinline image: (Boolean) -> Drawable?, toggleableStyle: Button.ButtonStyle = Styles.clearTogglei, crossinline ontoggle: Button.(Boolean) -> Unit = {}): Cell<ToggleButton>

Simmilar to toggleButton but adds a dynamic image

inline fun Table.imageToggle(imageEnabled: Drawable?, imageDisabled: Drawable?, toggleableStyle: Button.ButtonStyle = Styles.togglet, crossinline ontoggle: Button.(Boolean) -> Unit = {}): Cell<ToggleButton>

Adds an image toggle button and returns the created cell. The toggle uses imageEnabled or imageDisabled depending on whether it's toggled on or off.

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inline fun Table.limitedScrollPane(limitW: Boolean = true, limitH: Boolean = limitW, style: ScrollPane.ScrollPaneStyle = Styles.defaultPane, constructor: Table.(ScrollPane) -> Unit): Cell<ScrollPane>

Creates a limited scroll pane constructed by a lambda and returns the created cell.

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fun Table.menuButton(icon: Drawable?, text: String, style: TextButton.TextButtonStyle, align: Int =, wrap: Boolean = false, ellipsis: String? = null): Cell<MenuButton>

Adds a MenuButton to the table and returns the created cell.

fun Table.menuButton(icon: MenuButton.() -> Drawable?, text: MenuButton.() -> String, style: TextButton.TextButtonStyle, align: Int =, wrap: Boolean = false, ellipsis: String? = null): Cell<MenuButton>

Adds a dynamic MenuButton to the table and returns the created cell.

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inline fun Table.pager(vertical: Boolean = false, constructor: TablePager.() -> Unit): Cell<TablePager>

Adds a table pager constructed by a lambda and returns the created cell.

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fun Table.scrollPane(style: ScrollPane.ScrollPaneStyle = Styles.defaultPane, element: Element): Cell<ScrollPane>

Creates a scroll pane containing the providen element and returns the created cell

inline fun Table.scrollPane(style: ScrollPane.ScrollPaneStyle = Styles.defaultPane, constructor: Table.(ScrollPane) -> Unit): Cell<ScrollPane>

Creates a scroll pane containing a table constructed by a lambda and returns the created cell

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inline fun Table.textArea(text: String = "", style: TextField.TextFieldStyle = Styles.areaField, crossinline onchange: TextArea.(String) -> Unit = {}): Cell<TextArea>

Adds a multi-line TextArea to the table and returns thencreated cell.

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inline fun Table.textButton(crossinline provider: () -> String, style: TextButton.TextButtonStyle = Styles.defaultt, wrap: Boolean = false, align: Int? = null, ellipsis: String? = null, crossinline onclick: TextButton.() -> Unit = {}): Cell<TextButton>

Adds a text button with a dynamic label and an optional onclick listener, returns the created cell

inline fun Table.textButton(text: String, style: TextButton.TextButtonStyle = Styles.defaultt, wrap: Boolean = false, align: Int? = null, ellipsis: String? = null, crossinline onclick: TextButton.() -> Unit = {}): Cell<TextButton>

Adds a text button with an optional onclick listener, returns the created cell

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inline fun Table.textField(text: String = "", style: TextField.TextFieldStyle = Styles.defaultField, crossinline onchange: TextField.(String) -> Unit = {}): Cell<TextField>

Adds a single-line TextField to the table and returns the created cell.

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inline fun Table.textToggle(crossinline text: (Boolean) -> String, toggleableStyle: Button.ButtonStyle = Styles.togglet, wrap: Boolean = false, align: Int? = null, ellipsis: String? = null, crossinline ontoggle: Button.(Boolean) -> Unit = {}): Cell<ToggleButton>

Simmilar to toggleButton but adds a dynamic label

inline fun Table.textToggle(text: String, toggleableStyle: Button.ButtonStyle = Styles.togglet, wrap: Boolean = false, align: Int? = null, ellipsis: String? = null, crossinline ontoggle: Button.(Boolean) -> Unit = {}): Cell<ToggleButton>

Simmilar to toggleButton but adds a constant label

inline fun Table.textToggle(textEnabled: String, textDisabled: String, toggleableStyle: Button.ButtonStyle = Styles.togglet, wrap: Boolean = false, align: Int? = null, ellipsis: String? = null, crossinline ontoggle: Button.(Boolean) -> Unit = {}): Cell<ToggleButton>

Adds a text toggle button and returns the created cell. The toggle uses textEnabled or textDisabled depending on whether it's toggled on or off.

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inline fun Table.toggleButton(constructor: Button.() -> Unit, toggleableStyle: Button.ButtonStyle = Styles.togglet, crossinline ontoggle: Button.(Boolean) -> Unit = {}): Cell<ToggleButton>

Creates a toggle button constructed by a lambda and returns the created cell. ontoggle is called whenever the button is toggled.

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fun Table.vsplitter(color: Color = Color.white, padLeft: Float = 5.0f, padRight: Float = padLeft): Cell<Image>

Creates a vertical splitter and returns the created cell.

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inline fun Table.wrapper(crossinline width: Table.(originalWidth: Float) -> Float = { it }, crossinline height: Table.(originalHeight: Float) -> Float = { it }, crossinline builder: Table.() -> Unit): Cell<Table>

Adds a wrapper table with dynamic preferred size and returns the created cell. The size of the table is dynamic and is determined by the output of the width and height lambdas.